Capital Projects / Projects

General Project Reports

You can access a variety of reports to review day-to-day project details while you are carrying out your projects. You can access tasks for these reports in the Navigator and Management Console.

Note: The reports that are displayed will vary, based on the user's role.

In addition to general project reports, you can access executive-level management and oversight reports. You can also generate historical reports. For more information, see the following topics:

View Analysis Views

Some of the reports are View Analysis views, which include clickable links to detail views. For information on View Analysis views, see the Working with View Analysis Views topic.

Navigator Report Tasks

The following table displays the general project report tasks that are available in the processes of the Projects application.

All reports marked with an asterisk (*) are View Analysis views. Fields in the View Analysis reports are clickable links to detail views.


Report Tasks


View My Projects

Prioritize and Estimate

Review Project Profiles
* View Approved Projects Funding by Year - This report displays funds allocated to a project through the Capital Budgeting Allocate process


* View Approved Projects Funding by Year


Review Project Profiles
View Actions with Documents and Drawings
* Review Variances - Design to Baseline


Review Actions by Work Package
* Review Variances - Bids to Baseline and Design
Review Vendors Invoices and Payments
Report Vendors Performance


Review Project Profiles

*denotes View Analysis views.

Management Console Report Tasks

The following table displays the general project report tasks that are available on the tabs of Projects / Plan / Management Console: Plan. For more information on working with the Management Console, see the Using the Management Console (Plan/Procure) task.

Note: Some of the tasks on the Management Console are also available in the Navigator, as described above.

All reports marked with an asterisk (*) are View Analysis views. Fields in the View Analysis reports are clickable links to detail views.

Management Console Tab

Report Tasks



Work Packages
Actions by Work Package
Documents and Drawings
Gantt Chart (design schedule estimates)


Vendor Payables History
* Vendor Performance
* Bid to Design Variance



Team Members
My Communication Logs
Logs by Date and Time
Logs by Action
Logs by Type
Work Requests by Action


* Work Package Schedule Variances
Work Packages Statuses
* At Risk Work Packages (See At Risk Work Packages section below)
Actions by Date/Time
Action Status by Action Type

* Actions Summary
Actions Scheduled and Done
* Action Schedule Variances


Change Orders

Actions on Hold - The actions displayed in this report have been assigned the status of IN PROCESS - ON HOLD.


* Committed and Anticipated (See Committed and Anticipated Costs section below)
*Costs by Work Package
*Action Cost Variances
*At Risk Work Packages (See At Risk Work Packages section below)
Invoices and Payments
Invoices and Payments by Work Package
Invoices by Vendor

*denotes View Analysis views.

At Risk Work Packages

The table below provides definitions for the fields displayed in the At Risk Work Packages report.



Budgeted Cost of Work Performed

Cost of work performed based on action design cost estimates

Actual Cost of Work Performed

Cost of work performed based on action actual costs

Cost Performance Index

Budgeted Cost of Work Performed/Actual Cost of Work Performed; >1 indicates costs are under budget; <1 indicates costs are over budget

Cost Performance Comment

Description of Cost Performance Index value

Schedule Performance Index

Budgeted Cost of Work Performed/Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled; >1 indicates ahead of schedule; <1 indicates behind schedule

Schedule Performance Comment

Description of Schedule Performance Index value

Committed and Anticipated Costs

The table below provides definitions for the fields displayed in the Committed and Anticipated Costs report.



Committed Costs

The cost that has been agreed to in the vendor contract.

Anticipated Costs

The cost that has been committed in the vendor contract that has not yet been paid by the employer (committed cost - amount invoiced and paid).

Contract (Vendor Process) Report Tasks

The following report tasks are available to the vendor in Contract process.