Capital Projects / Projects/ Facility Construction Project Manager

Project Quality Control Dashboard

The Project Quality Control Dashboard focuses on your scheduled projects for this fiscal year, to ensure all projects keep moving in sequence as planned throughout the year. Issued projects need to be completed; approved projects need to be scheduled with adequate time to complete.

The dashboard includes the following charts and alerts:

Use the Export icon to export the data for a section of the dashboard. You can export charts to a DOCX file; otherwise, you can export to DOCX or Excel.

Which projects are included

The dashboard includes scheduled projects for the current fiscal year.

The projects that are included in the report depend on whether you are the Project Manager or Project Sponsor (Approving Manager 1).

My Projects (past 12 months)

This is a grid view that shows open projects grouped by status. It provides the date start and end, project description, and project manager for your projects from the last 12 months.

You can export the grid to a DOCX or an XLS file.

My Projects - Status

This pie chart shows project counts grouped by project status. At the start of the fiscal year, more projects will be pending (approved, but not scheduled) than Active (Issued-In-Process); as the fiscal year progresses, more projects get Done (Completed ), allowing the backlog of projects to get scheduled.

For the Facility Construction Project Manager, all active project statuses are Work-In-Place projects. The following shows the status grouping used in the pie chart and the active Project status's the groupings map to:

Status Grouping in Pie Chart Maps to these Active Project Status
Pending Approved
Active Issued-In-Process
On-Hold Issued-On-Hold, Issued-Stopped
Done Completed-Pending, Completed-Not Verified, Completed-Verified
Closed Closed

All project records are filtered to have been assigned to the Facility Construction Project Manager who is currently logged on, or to the Project Manager (Approving Manager 1).

My Open Projects - Overdue On-Time

This pie chart displays project counts grouped by the timeliness of project completion based on the following conditions:

Pie Chart section Description
Past Due Projects for which the difference between 'Date - Target Completion' and 'Date - Requested End' is greater than 30 days.
Timely Projects for which the difference between 'Date-Target Completion' and 'Date-Requested End' is less than 30 days.
Unscheduled Projects which do not have a 'Date-Target Completion' and the Project Status is Approved.

My Open Projects - Age (Days)

This bar chart displays the project's age (in days) for all open projects assigned to the Facility Construction Project Manager, or to the Approving Manager 1.

The Age in Days is based on the total number of days between project 'Date-Requested Start' and Current Date (today.)

The intent of this chart is to identify projects that have not been progressing for a long period of time.

Alerts for Open Projects

The Alerts for Open Projects pane shows alerts for projects that are past due, change orders that are awaiting approval, and projects for which the Revised Contract Amount is greater than the original contract plus the 20% contingency allocation.

You can use the icons at the top of the pane to:

The Alerts pane shows the following alerts for active projects:

For information on setting up scheduled notifications, see The Scheduling Notifications Feature.