Capital Projects / Projects / Execute / Management Console
Capital Projects / Projects / Manage / Management Console

Project Commitment Cost Summary

The first tab in the Management Console is the Project Commitment Cost Summary report. This report lists top-level data for each project, such as project dates, the cost budgeted, invoice totals, and Commitment Remaining. It enables you to see which projects need attention, and to select a project for detailed review.

Working from the Project Commitment Summary - Select Project tab, you can:

Data shown for each project

Tip Click the Help icon at the top-right of the report to see a description of the data shown on the screen.

The following data is shown for each project:

Select Projects

The Project Commitment Cost Summary report enables you to display just the projects you want to review.

If you have Executive Access, you can make the following selections:

Reviewing alerts

The report shows a summary of alerts for all projects in the list, and alerts for each project. From the list of alerts, you can drill down to see details for the issue behind the alert.

Alerts Button. Click the Alerts button enables you to drill down to a list that summarizes alerts for the project. Select an alert type to see a more detailed list of the current alerts of this type. From this list, you can open details for a specific issue. See Working with alerts for a list of the types of alerts that can be included.

Per-row Alerts. The Alert icon next to a project opens a menu of Alerts specific to that project. You can drill down to see details for the item causing the alert. See Drilling Down to Manage Alerts