Maintenance / Corrective Work / Inventory Manager
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Background Data – Maintenance

Creating a Supply Requisition for Transferring Parts

You can create a supply requisition that lists the Part Codes and amounts to be shipped to another storage location. The supply requisition also includes the status of the transfer, so that you know where the parts are - awaiting transfer, in transit, received, or error (received with an error).

When the local storage manager receives the parts, that supervisor records the parts as Received, so that the system can update the inventory.

Note: You can use the Adjust Inventory task to record that parts have been transferred from one location to another. Creating a supply requisition creates an inventory transaction that enables you to track the transfer from beginning to end.

Procedure: Creating a supply requisition for a single or multiple types of parts

To create a supply requisition for a single part:

  1. From the Process Navigator or the home page, access the Manage Parts Inventory task.

    The Parts Inventory Information form appears.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Single part: To create a supply requisition for a single part, select the Total Parts Inventory tab, select the check box for a single part and location, and click Requisition.
    • Multiple parts. To create a requisition for multiple parts, select the Parts by Locations tab, use the filter to select a storage location to view parts for, and click Show to show parts for that locations. Select the check boxes for the parts you want to transfer, and click Requisition. You can create a requisition for multiple parts that are in the same location if you are transferring the parts to the same location.

    The Supply Requisition form appears. The Part Code and From Storage Location are automatically populated based on the part and location you selected.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • To create a new supply requisition for the transfer, select the Create New Supply Requisition tab.
    • To add the part to an existing requisition, select the Add to existing supply requisition tab. This tab presents a list of existing supply requisitions for the From Storage Location you selected that have a status of New or Ready for Transit. Select the option button for one of the requisitions.
  4. Working from either tab, enter the following:
    • To Storage Location: Select the location receiving the parts.
    • Transaction Quantity: Enter the quantity to transfer.
    • Comments. Optionally, enter comments.

    Note: The Quantity Available is shown as a reference. You cannot choose a Quantity to Transfer that is higher than Quantity Available of the chosen part and location.,

  5. Click Submit.
  6. The following occurs when you click Submit:
    • If you are working from the Create New Supply Requisition tab, a record is created in the Supply Requisitions (supply_req) table, and one new record is created in the Inventory Transactions (IT) table for the selected Part Code and storage location.
    • Requisition ID field is filled in with the system-generated ID of the record just created in Supply Requisitions table
    • If you are working from the Add to existing supply requisition tab, a new record is created in the IT table only, and the system sets the value of Requisition ID (it.supply_req_id), From Storage Location (it.pt_store_loc_from), and To Storage location (it.pt_store_loc_to) based on the selected existing supply requisition. The status field (it.req_item_status) will be set to New. The supply requisition Updated By field (supply_req.last_updated_by) will also be set to the current user.