Archibus SaaS / Space / Move Coordinator / Move Console / Plan Move Scenario tab
Space / Moves / Move Console / Plan Move Scenario tab
Space / Moves / Move Scenario Planner / Develop Move Scenario / Plan Move Scenario tab

Exporting Occupancy Scenario Drawings and Data

Print or Export the Layout

You may want to print the layout (inventory drawing or scenario drawing) or export it to share with others. For example, you may want to capture a floor plan at the starting point, and then again once you have completed placing employees in potential locations. You can select the layout, highlight by room category, choose to show Employees as the text label, and zoom in on the section that includes the rooms in question. Click the export icon, and select "Export What You See."

There are two commands for exporting the layout, both of which operate the same way as the corresponding Space Console commands.

Command Type of Drawing For information, see:
Generate Ad Hoc PDF Inventory

PDF Export in Export and Print Highlighted and Labeled Floor Plans to Word or PDF (Space Console)

Export What You See Scenario

Export What You See in Export and Print Highlighted and Labeled Floor Plans to Word or PDF (Space Console)

Transfer and Export Data

Note: The Move Console's “Data Transfer” action is not using the generic Data Transfer functionality, but rather a custom import function specifically for moves. In this custom function, the Employee and From Building, From Floor, From Room fields cannot be updated on import. However the To Building, To Floor, To Room and the other fields like Computer Type can be updated.

When working with occupancy scenarios, you may find that you want to export data as well as transfer data in. For example, you may want to review with Human Resources all employees who could potentially be moving by exporting the list of employees to Excel or Word and sharing this file with HR. Or, you may want to transfer in an updated employee list from HR, or transfer out and then transfer in specific “to" locations.

When working with move scenarios, there are several opportunities for importing and exporting data. These commands are available from the Export and Data Transfer icons.

Data Command How Accessed
List of layouts

Export to XLS

Export ot DOCX

Icons in layout list (upper left panel of Plan Move Scenarios tab)
List of employees to locate

Export to XLS

Data Transfer

Icon in upper right corner of Employees to Locate tab.

For data transferring, there is an icon to refresh the list after transferring in.

List of teams to locate

Export to XLS

Data Transfer

Icon in upper right corner of Teams to Locate tab

For data transferring, there is an icon to refresh the list after transferring in.

List of employees moving

Export to XLS

Export ot DOCX

View Placed Assignments form (available from Move Actions menu)
List of teams moving

Export to XLS

Export ot DOCX

View Placed Assignments form (available from Move Actions menu)
List of rooms and associated employees and teams

Export to XLS

Export ot DOCX

Selected Rooms, Employees, and Teams form (available when you select a set of rooms in the drawing)

See also