Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio
Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio

Delete a Lease

Users who are assigned to roles that are assigned to security group RPLM-LEASE-DELETE can delete a lease by using the Delete action on the Lease Portfolio Console. This action does not appear on the Lease Portfolio Console unless you belong to a role associated with the RPLM-LEASE-DELETE security group.

Note that you can delete only one lease at a time. To prevent accidental deletion of multiple lease documents, you cannot select multiple leases and delete them at once.


  1. In the Lease Portfolio Console, search for the lease you want to delete.

  2. In the row for this lease, click Delete.

  3. You receive a confirmation message reminding you that assigned documents, costs, and other lease data will also be deleted. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

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Lease Portfolio Console Overview