Archibus SaaS / Leases / Cost Reports
Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator

Lease Financial Summary Report

The Lease Financial Summary report provides a high-level financial summary of your lease costs by country, with the ability to review data for each lease included in the summary. This report is useful for comparing leases by country, for financial planning, and for providing cost summary data, for example, when communicating with accounting or when making cost estimations.

The report includes two benchmarks: income per negotiated area, and expenses per negotiated areas. These benchmarks help you assess by country and by lease how profitable or expensive your leased space is in relation to a square unit of area negotiated for the lease.

This topic includes the following sections:

Restricting and Viewing Report Data


As shown in the above image, the Filter offers several options for determining the data of the Lease Financial Summary report. For example, using the Filter, you can specify the types of costs to examine (recurring, scheduled, actual, or a combination), as well as the time frame for which to analyze these costs and leases associated with buildings or properties. To set a custom date range, Select Other Date Range, and then enter a Start and End Date.

Once you set the filter, click Process and Show for the report to calculate data based on the filter and generate the report.

When reviewing the report, be sure to consider how the Filter console was completed. See Understanding Financial Analysis Reports for more information on how costs are selected.

Lease Financial Summary Overview tab

Once you set the filter options and process it, the Lease Financial Summary Overview panel presents the lease data and calculations.

Presents lease costs summarized by country, including annual rent and 'other' expenses (the average annual net income amounts for Cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is OTHER, OPERATING, or TAX), annual income, and net income.

Details tab

Click the Details button for a lease on the Lease Financial Summary Overview tab, and the report presents the Details tab, which lists information for the building or property the selected lease is associated with, lease description, lease areas, lease costs, lease options, and contacts. You can toggle back to the Lease Financial Summary Overview tab as necessary.

Lease Financial Summary Calculations

The Lease Financial Summary report includes the following calculated areas and costs:

Lease Financial Summary When Using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set

When the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set is enabled, you can generate the Lease Financial Summary report to show Total Costs, Base Costs, or VAT Costs using the currency you select. Just as when the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set is not enabled, the Lease Financial Summary report calculates Annual Costs by summarizing as net income the major expenses of TAX, UTILITY, and OPERATING EXP; the expenses for these cost category cost types are subtracted from any incidental income. It then adds expenses for any cost types other than TAX, UTILITY, or OPERATING normalizing the data to reflect yearly costs. In this way, it summarizes the lease's expenses.

However, when the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set is enabled, the report shows this net amount as Total Costs, Base Costs, or VAT Costs depending on the selections you make to generate the report. See Selecting VAT Cost Types and Currency for Reports for a description of the cost fields used to show VAT costs in different currencies.

The Currency and VAT buttons affect the values shown on both the Overview and Details tabs. The Details tab shows the breakdown for the leases for the selected country using the same VAT cost type and currency you selected on the Overview tab.