Real Property / Chargeback & Invoicing / Invoice Administrator
Lease Invoice Aging Report
The Real Property / Chargeback & Invoicing / Invoice Administrator / Invoices Aging Report presents its data on two tabs, the Invoice Aging and Invoices tabs. It presents invoices for only leases.
You can use the following features to aid your analysis:
- Exporting: You can export the invoice aging data to Excel by clicking the XLS button.
- Drill-down: You can drill down to see details for the invoices included in each aging bucket by clicking on the total or the amount for a particular grouping. You can export this invoice data to a Word DOCX file or to an Excel spreadsheet.
Filtering and Grouping
Using the Filter console, you can restrict the invoices shown, and can change the way the invoices are grouped.
- Grouping: By default, the report is grouped by contact (Send To field), but you can select a first or second grouping by contact, invoice code, account code, lease code, or tenant name.
- Filtering: You can generate the report for a single or multiple leases, invoices, tenants, accounts, contacts (Send To field), or the contact's company (Send To Company). The Send To Company is the company of the invoice contact ‘Send To’ (invoice.contact_id_send_to)
The Invoice Aging tab
This report groups outstanding invoices by the "Send To" contact or another selection you make, and totals outstanding amounts by the amount of days that they are overdue using the following aging buckets:
- 0-30 Days
- 31-60 Days
- 61-90 Days
- 91-120 Days
- 120+ Days
Since invoices typically include a 30, 60, or 90 day grace period for payment, the overdue period is important information for both those paying invoices as well as those looking for payment.
Click on a cell in the Invoice Aging tab, and you access the Invoices tab to see the lists of invoices associated with the aging bucket you selected.
Invoices tab
When you click on an invoice in the Invoice Aging tab, the Invoices tab shows the invoices for that aging summary. The Invoices tab lists invoices using the restriction you enter in the Filter. If you click on an invoice, the Cost for Invoice panel lists the costs associated with the invoice.