Real Property / Chargeback & Invoicing / Invoice Cost Wizard

Assign Costs to Invoices

From the Assign Costs tab of the Invoice Cost Wizard, you can:

You can assign costs to existing invoices as long as the invoice has not yet been issued, and the invoice is associated with the same building, property, lease, or account as the cost. You can assign more than one cost to an invoice, as long as the costs are all associated with the same lease, building, property, or account. After an invoice is issued, you cannot make changes to it.

The tab shows approved costs, that is, Actual Costs, that are not associated with an invoice. The Cost Status for these costs is either Requested or Receivable. Use the Requested status to groups costs on an approval form. See Costs Table topic for more information.

Auto-Assign costs to invoices

You can select costs and auto-assign them to invoices. The auto-assign action sets the following information for the invoice generated for the selected costs:

This Invoice field ... ... is auto-assigned as
Remit Payment To (invoice.contact_id_remit_to ) Landlord Contact (ls.ld_contact)
Send To (invoice.contact_id_send_to) Tenant Contact (ls.tn_contact)
Description ( invoice.description): Monthly Rent Payment from || Tenant Name (ls.tn_name)
Send To*: (invoice.contact_id_send_to) Tenant Contact (ls.tn_contact)
Date Billed: (invoice.date_sent) The lease rent monthly recurring date
Date Due (invoice.date_expected_rec) standard Date Billed plus 1 month
Terms (invoice.terms) 30 DAYS

Assigning Costs to a New Invoice

To assign costs to a new invoice:

  1. Select Invoice Administrator / Invoice Cost Wizard.

    The Assign tab appears.

  2. From the Filter console, select Leases, Buildings, Properties, or Accounts, and click Show.

    Note:  If you are assigning CAM costs to an invoice, be sure to select CAM Costs Only or CAM and Non-CAM Costs from the CAM Charges - Display Options list.

    Note: To restrict the list of costs shown on this tab, you can use the smart search console. Click the + sign that appears when you mouse over a column header. The smart search console enables you to restrict the list by any column header. See Smart Search Consoles.

    The Invoice Cost Wizard shows only costs associated with the selected item.

  3. Select costs to assign to the same invoice, and click Assign Costs to New Invoice.

    The Create Invoice for Costs dialog appears.

  4. Enter the following fields:
    Send ToEnter the party to whom the invoice should be sent by choosing a value from the validating Contacts table. Your Business Process Owner sets up contacts by using the Define Companies task
    DescriptionEnter a memo describing the reason for the invoice
    Remit Payment ToSelect the party to whom the payment should be sent by choosing a value from the validating Contacts table
    Date BilledEnter the date the invoice will be issued
    Date DueSelect the date the payment is due
    TermsSelect the terms for the invoice from the enumeration list

     If you select this toggle, the action sets the Invoice Status of the generated Invoice record to Issued. With this status, no further Cost records can be added to the invoice, but the invoice is ready to be sent. You can view these invoices from the Manage tab.

    If you do not set this option, the system assigns the generated invoice a status of N/A; you can add additional costs to the invoice, review it, or send it for approval before issuing the invoice from the Issue tab

  5. Click Save.

Assigning Costs to an Existing Invoice

To assign costs to an existing invoice:

  1. Select costs to assign to the same invoice, and click Assign Costs to Existing Invoice.

    The Select Invoice for Costs dialog shows existing invoices that have not yet been issued.

    Note: To restrict the list of invoices shown, you can use the smart search console. Click the + sign that appears when you mouse over a column header. The smart search console enables you to restrict the list by Invoice Number or Description. See Smart Search Consoles.

  2. Select the invoice number.

    The Create Invoice for Costs dialog box shows the information entered for the selected invoice. This enables you to confirm that the invoice you selected is being sent to the correct business contact.

  3. To assign the cost to the invoice, click Save.


After assigning costs, you can go to the Issue tab to preview and issue invoices, or to the Manage tab to mange payments for invoices that have been issued.