Archibus Extensions for BUILDER™ SMS

View Connector Properties and Field Definitions

Three master connectors move asset data between Archibus and BUILDER™ SMS. Each master connector comprises a group of inbound or outbound connectors.

Select a Connector to View or Edit

To view or edit information for a master connector, or for an individual inbound or outbound connector:

  1. Launch Web Central.
  2. Select:

    System / System Administrator / Configure Connectors (afm-connector-define-tabs.axvw)

    The Select a Connector to View/Edit tab opens.

  3. Locate the desired connector.

    For example, enter sms under Connector Code, then press Enter, to list three master connectors. Alternately, select SQL Server under Connector Type to list individual connectors.

  4. Click the desired connector to open the connector's Properties tab.

See Configure Master Connectors for more information about connector properties.

Note: Typically you will modify properties only for the master connectors, not for individual connectors in a group.

View Inbound or Outbound Connectors

To display properties for inbound or outbound connectors:

  1. Open the Select Connector to View/Edit tab in System / System Administrator / Configure Connectors (afm-connector-define-tabs.axvw), then select SQL Server in the Connector Type drop-down list.

    All SQL Server connectors appear, including BUILDER™ SMS master connectors at the end of the list.

  2. Click the desired connector.

    The Properties tab for the selected connector opens.

To open a list of all inbound connectors in SMS_Builder_to_Archibus_Assets:

  1. Type in- under Connector Code, then press Enter.
  2. Click the desired connector name to open Define Connector Properties for that connector.

To open a list of all outbound connectors in SMS_Archibus_to_Builder_Assets:

  1. Type out- under Connector Code, then press Enter.
  2. Click the desired connector name to open Define Connector Properties for that connector.

View Connector Properties and Connector Fields

For any individual connector listed in the Select a Connector to View/Edit tab, click the connector to open the Properties tab for that connector. Note these properties, besides Connector Code at the top:

Click the Fields tab to open Define Connector Fields. All the fields listed are related to the connector listed under Connector Code.

For each field the connector handles during a data transfer, note the field names under Source Field and Destination Fields. The field names show, for any transfer, where an item originates in the source data table, and where it lands in the destination table.

Note: Names for equivalent fields in Archibus and BUILDER™ SMS often differ. Refer to Equivalent Terms, or to field tooltips in the Archibus interface.

See also

Master Connectors

Equivalent Terms

Configure Master Connectors

Run Master Connectors

Guidelines for System Administrators

Reconciling Enterprise Assets

Configure Connectors (System Management Help)