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Canceling Bookings

You may find that you need to cancel bookings you have made. For example, a telecommuter may decide not to work on the office on a particular day and therefore does not need the booked seat. Similarly, an off-site employee may have booked a seat for the next several weeks, but does not require a seat the week he is on vacation.

If you find that plans have changed and you do not need the booked seat, you should cancel the booking so that the seat can be made available for other users. Moreover, if your site changes departments for the space that they use, you will want to cancel the booking so that the department is not charged for it.

Note: You may want to cancel bookings whose date has already passed because you do not want the booking to affect chargeback. For example, suppose a booking was made in error, it was never canceled, and the visitor or employee never used the seat. You may want to cancel this booking, even if its date has already passed, so that the department is not charged for it. You can cancel past bookings only if you are a member of the Hoteling Administration security group.

Depending on your hoteling security group settings, you may be able to cancel:

If your site has configured the system to use the notification features, the employees and visitors scheduled to use the booking will receive email notification that the booking is canceled.

To cancel a booking:

  1. Run the Review Bookings task from a path specified at the top of this topic..
  2. Search for the bookings that you want to cancel.
  3. In the lower pane, the system displays the bookings that meet your search criteria and match your user security group settings.
  4. Review bookings by scanning their properties, accessing the Details box for more information, or seeing their location on the floor plan.
  5. Once you determine the bookings that you want to cancel, select one or more bookings by clicking on their check boxes.
  6. Choose Cancel Selected in the upper right corner.

To cancel a booking in a recurring pattern:

Users may create such as booking a seat for the first Monday of each month. You can cancel the booking request defining the recurring pattern, which in turn will cancel all individual bookings. Or, you can cancel a select set of the recurring bookings.

For example, suppose you have booked a seat for the first Monday of each month for the upcoming year, and the system accordingly generated 12 booking records. If you will be on vacation for one of these Mondays, you can cancel only this booking.

  1. Run the Review Bookings task.
  2. Search for the bookings that you want to cancel.
  3. In the lower pane, the system displays the booking requests that meet your search criteria and match your user security group settings.
  4. Find the booking request whose bookings you wish to cancel; its Booking Type value will state Recurring.

Note: The status of the booking request changes only after all bookings derived from this request are canceled.

To edit a booking:

Suppose the details of a booking have changed and you want to update the system with the changes.

In this case, you must cancel the booking and create a new booking with the changed information.