Sustainability & Risk / Green Building / Carbon Footprint - Track

Entering Data for Stationary Fuel Combustion

After entering and saving information on the Building Footprint Data tab, click the Direct Emissions (Scope 1) tab to enter your on-site stationary fuel combustion consumption by equipment.

Overriding the Building's Default Emission Factor and Sector

When you enter data on the Building Footprint Details tab, you select an Emissions Factor, an Emissions Factor sector, and an Oxidation Factor for this building. The application uses these factors as a default when calculating emissions for the building, unless you choose to override this selection.

To override the building defaults, do one of the following on the Stationary Fuel Combustion tab:

Procedure: Entering On-Site Stationary Fuel Combustion Data

To enter on-site stationary fuel combustion data by source:

  1. Select Carbon Footprint - Track / Enter Building Footprint Data.
  2. Select the Direct Emissions (Scope 1) tab.
  3. Select the Stationary Fuel Combustion tab, and click Add New.
  4. In the On-Site Stationary Fuel Combustion Sources panel, enter the following required information:

    Source: Select the equipment for this combustion source. See Define Equipment and Equipment Standards.

    Fuel Base Code / Fuel Name: Select the Fuel Base (type of fuel) and the Fuel Name (specific fuel).

    Fuel Consumed: Enter the amount of fuel consumed during the calculation year entered on the Building Footprint Details tab.

    Fuel Consumed Units: Select the units used to measure the fuel consumption. By default, stationary fuel consumption is expressed as cubic meters (m3), but you can define different units if needed. See Defining Units.

  5. For this combustion equipment, if you want to use different values than the building defaults for sector, technology, emission factors for CH4 and N2O, and oxidation factor, enter the following information. The building defaults are determined by the entries made on the Building Footprint Details tab.

    Sector:  Select a Sector from the list if you want to use a different sector for calculating emissions from stationary fuel combustion for this equipment.

    Technology:  If you want to use a different technology for this combustion equipment, select a technology.

    Emissions Factor (N2O): Select the emissions factor used to calculate N2O emissions for this combustion equipment.

    Emissions Factor (CH4): Select the emissions factor used to calculate CH4 emissions for this combustion equipment.

    Note: You are not required to enter Emissions Factors for CH4 and N2O, but if you do enter them, you must enter both.

    CH4 and N2O Units: Select the units used for the emissions factors you entered for CH4 and N2O).

    Oxidation Factor: Enter an oxidation factor to use for this combustion equipment.

  6. Click Save.

    The application calculates greenhouse gas emissions for this source, and displays the emissions in the upper Footprints panel.