Sustainability & Risk / Green Building / Carbon Footprint - Track

Entering Building Footprint Details

Using the Enter Building Footprint Data task, you select a building, calculation year, scenario, and the emission factors to apply to the building's calculations. After entering the building footprint details, you can enter the source data and consumption values required to calculate the CO2 emissions for this building and year.

Entering Building Footprint Data for Multiple Buildings

Often you will be using the same protocols to calculate the carbon footprint for multiple buildings. In these cases, to facilitate data entry, enter data for a building on the Building Footprint Details tab. Then save the data and click Copy As New. You are presented with a list of buildings. Select the building and the Building Footprint Details tab appears filled in with information for the selected building using the protocols entered for the first building. If needed, you can modify the protocol information.

Summarizing Emissions from the Building Footprint Details Tab

When you run the Summarize Emissions action from the Building Footprint Details tab, the application updates emission totals for the selected building, footprint scenario and calculation year only. If you select the Also Recalculate Emissions check box, the recalculation is done only for the selected, building, footprint scenario, and calculation year.

To summarize all emission totals that exist in the database or to recalculate all emissions in the database, use the Carbon Footprint - Review / Summarize Emission Totals task, or run the Summarize Emissions action from the Building Footprints panel. See Summarizing Emissions.

Procedure: Entering Building Footprint Data

To enter building footprint data:

  1. Select Carbon Footprint - Track / Enter Building Footprint Data.
  2. In the Building Footprints panel, click Add New.
  3. On the Building Footprint Details tab, enter the following information:

    Building Code: Select the building for which you are calculating greenhouse gas emissions. When you select a building, the Postal Code, Building Occupancy, and Ext. Gross Area are automatically filled in with the data entered for the building.

    Calculation Year: Enter the year for which you are calculating the emissions.

    Scenario Code: Select the scenario for this building. If needed, you can define different scenarios to calculate a building's footprint. See Defining Footprint Scenarios.

    Individual Completing Inventory: Select the name of the person completing the inventory.

    Energy Star Rating: If you are pursuing an energy rating from the Environmental Protection Agency, enter the rating obtained for this building here. This value will be used for future reporting.

  4. Select the following protocol versions used to calculate emissions for this building, scenario, and calculation year. You select from the protocols that your Business Process Owner added using the Carbon Footprint - Background Data tasks.

    Energy Grid Version:  If you are using the Environmental Protection Agency's eGRID for electrical fuel data, and the selected building has a postal code entered for it, the Energy Grid Subregion, and Subregion Name automatically fill in based on the postal code.

    Note: The selected building must have a Zip Code entered to save the record.

    Carbon Content Version

    Emission Factor Version / Emission Factor Sector

    Global Warming Potential Factors Version

    Fuel Density Version

    Heat Content Version

    Oxidation Factors Version

    Mobile Emission Factors Version

    Aircraft Factors Version

    Refrigeration/Air-Conditioning Factors Version

    Commercial Aircraft Factors Version

    Solid Waste Factors Version

    Wastewater Factors Version

  5. Click Save.