Sustainability & Risk / Green Building / Carbon Footprint - Background Data

Managing Factor Versions

You can add protocol versions for different emission factors using the tasks found in the Carbon Footprint - Background Data process. From the Manage Factors Versions task, you can add, review, edit, or delete version names for all the different Carbon Footprint Protocols from one location. The version names you enter are used in the Carbon Footprint - Background Data tasks when defining factors data. Users entering source emissions data in the Carbon Footprint - Track process can select these factor versions when entering consumption data for a building.

From the Manage Factors Versions task, you can view the number of buildings that have had their carbon footprint calculated using a particular protocol version.

To add a factor version:

  1. Select the Carbon Footprint - Background Data / Manage Factors Versions task.
  2. In the Version Type panel, select the type of emission factor you want to work with. There is a type for each of the tasks in the Carbon Footprint - Background Data process.
  3. In the Versions panel, click Add New.
  4. In the Version panel, enter the following information:

    Version Type: Select the type of protocol. The list contains a type for each of the tasks in the Carbon Footprint - Background Data process.

    Version: Enter the name of the protocol you are using as a source of this type of emission information. The Version uniquely identifies this protocol.

    Version Description: Enter information to identify the version and its data. For example, enter the number for the table the Heat Contents values are shown in.

  5. Click Save.

To edit a factor version:

  1. Select Carbon Footprint - Background Data / Manage Factors Versions task.
  2. In the Version Type panel, select the type of emission factor you want to work with. There is a type for each of the tasks in the Carbon Footprint - Background Data process.
  3. In the Versions panel, select the version you want to work with.
  4. In the Version panel, make any changes as needed, and click Save.

The Version section includes the Building Footprint Count. This is the number of buildings that have had their carbon footprint calculated using this protocol version.