Sustainability & Risk / Green Building / Carbon Footprint - Background Data
Adding Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Emission Factors
Use the Refrigeration Factors task to add the protocols you are using for refrigeration and air-conditioning emissions. You then add the emission factor data by type of refrigeration or air-conditioning equipment. The application uses the charge for the equipment when new, and the % operating emissions to calculate emissions from equipment of this type.
To add refrigeration / air-conditioning factor information:
- Select Carbon Footprint - Background Data / Refrigeration Factors.
The Define Refrigeration / Air-Conditioning Versions, Types, and Data form appears.
- To add the protocol you are using for refrigeration and air-conditioning factors:
- Select Add New > Refrigeration/Air-Conditioning Version.
- Enter the following information:
Version: Enter the name of the protocol version you are using for refrigeration factors. The Version uniquely identifies this protocol version.
Version Description: Enter a description for the protocol, such as the table number the data is found in, or the year the data is for.
- Click Save.
- To add emissions data by refrigeration/air-conditioning type:
- Select Add New > Refrigeration / Air-Conditioning Type and Data.
- Enter the following information:
Refrigeration / Air-Conditioning Type: Enter the type of refrigeration or air-conditioning equipment for which you are entering emission factors. You can mouse over the field to click the Show Values button to select from the existing types. If this type is not unique for the refrigeration/air-conditioning version, you will need to edit it. You can also enter a type manually into the form. See Selecting predefined data for the primary keys for new records.
Charge: Enter the amount of refrigerant charged into the new piece of equipment. By default, you enter the charge in kilograms.
Charge Units: Select the units for measuring the charge. By default, the charge is measured as kg, but you can define different units if needed. See Defining Units.
Operation Emissions (% of initial charge per year): Operating emissions are losses from equipment leaks and service losses over the life of the equipment. Enter the annual leak rate in percent of capacity.
- Click Save.