Sustainability & Risk / Green Building / Carbon Footprint - Background Data
Adding Carbon Content
The Carbon Content task enables you to configure the carbon dioxide (CO2) emission factor. One of the primary determinants of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission is the amount of carbon in the fuel. Carbon content varies, so typically average carbon content values are used to estimate CO2 emissions. You obtain carbon content data for specific fuels from the carbon content protocol you are using. Archibus uses the carbon content values you enter to determine a carbon content emission factor using the following calculation:
CO2 Emission Factor = Carbon Content x Oxidation Factor x 3.67.
where 3.67 is a constant conversion factor used to convert carbon to CO2.
For more information, see Calculating Emissions for Stationary Fuel Combustion.
By default, carbon content is measured as kg C/GJ (kilograms of carbon per gigajoule of fuel), but you can define different units if needed.
To add carbon contents version and data:
- Select Carbon Footprint - Background Data / Carbon Content.
- To add a carbon contents protocol version:
- Click Add New > Carbon Content Version.
- Enter the following information:
Version: Enter the protocol version you are using for carbon content data.
Version Description: Enter a description, such as the table number the data is found in, or the year the data is for.
- Click Save.
- To add carbon contents data:
- Click Add New > Carbon Contents Data.
- Enter the following information:
Fuel Base Code / Fuel Name: Select the fuel type and specific fuel name for which you are adding carbon contents information.
Carbon Content: Enter the carbon content value for this fuel.
Carbon Content Units: Select the units used to measure the carbon content. See Defining Units.
- Click Save.