Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Background Data
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Background Data

Defining Problem Descriptions

Problem Descriptions are entered when you create work requests. The problem description provides a general description of what needs fixing, so that the craftsperson can better understand the problem, and can bring the necessary tools and parts. For example, enter "TC-PRINTER PROB" for the Problem Type[, and a description such as "User cannot output from their software to the printer as desired." to further describe the issue. In this example, TC stands for Telecommunications; you could use this shortcut to begin any additional telecommunication problems, so that anyone submitting a work requests sees related problems together.

When submitting a work request and typing in the Description box on the Report Problem form, any descriptions that have already been entered as background data, and that match your typing appear. You can click on one of these descriptions to enter it in the form, or continue typing to enter a new description. You can enter a new description by typing, but only descriptions that have been entered as background data using the Define Problem Descriptions task are saved for future selection.

The Description is required when submitting work requests.


To define problem descriptions:

  1. Select the Background Data / Define Problem Descriptions task.

    The Define Problem Descriptions Codes form appears. The left pane shows any Problem Descriptions already defined.

  2. Click Add New at the top of the left pane.
  3. In the right pane, enter the following:

    Problem. Desc. Code. This is the unique identifier for the description. You can enter up to 16 characters. For example, enter Cleaning - Heavy to describe a request for heavy cleaning.

    Tip: It is a best practice to begin related problem descriptions with the same word, as they will then be grouped together when you view the Problem Description list on the Report Problem form. For example, all descriptions that begin with Cleaning appear together, so you can make a selection seeing all the available choices.

    Problem Description: Enter a fuller description of the problem. For example, for Cleaning - Heavy, you could enter "There is heavy debris and waste material here which needs to be carted away." This enables the person selecting this problem description to better understand when this selection should be used, and it helps the craftsperson understand what the work entails.

    Note: When you submit a work request, you can select Descriptions from those previously added by selecting View Descriptions and selecting from the list. Or, when you type in the Description box, the application presents a list of the descriptions that match your typing. This match is done on the Problem Description, not on the Problem Description Code.

  4. Click Save.