Archibus SaaS / System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration
System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration

Defining Currencies and their Exchange Rates

If using the Enhanced Global Feature Set, you must define currencies and their exchange rates. You must enter:


  1. Select the Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Define Currencies task.
  2. In the Currencies panel, click Add New.
  3. Enter the following:
    •  Currency Code using the three-alpha character ISO format for the currency, such as, USD for US Dollar, or CNY for Chinese Yuan Renminbi.
    • Currency Description: Enter the description for this currency, such as ‘US Dollars’, or ‘Chinese Yuan Renminbi." The Description appears in selection lists when users select currencies to generate reports.
    • Optionally, enter Comments, such as a list of the countries that use the currency.
  4. To add the Budget Exchange Rate for this currency, in the Budget Exchange Rate panel, enter the following: required fields:
    • Conversion Factor - the factor to use to convert this currency to the Budget Currency for the date you entered. The Destination Units is filled in with your organization's Budget Currency.
    • Conversion Date - the date for which the exchange rate is effective
  1. To add the Payment Exchange Rates for this currency, in the Payment Exchange Rate panel, enter the following required fields:

    • Conversion Factor - the factor to use to convert this currency to the Budget Currency for the date you entered. The Destination Units is filled in with your organization's Budget Currency.
    • Conversion Date - the date for the exchange rate
  1. Click Save.

Entering the Unit Symbol for the Currency

You enter the Currency Symbol for a currency from the Smart Client. Using the Views tab of the Explorer pane, you select the Archibus Currencies table, and then use the Fields command to show the Currency Symbol field (afm_currencies.currency_symbol.). Enter the Unicode format for the currency symbol into the Currency Symbol field for the currencies shown in the table. The Unicode format can be obtained from the ISO Web site page.

See the topic "Access Any Database Table by Creating a New Grid View" in the Smart Client User's Guide section of the online help for step-by-step instructions for using the Views tab.