Archibus SaaS / System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration
System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration

Enabling and Disabling the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set

You can enable or disable the Enhanced Global Feature Set. When you enable this feature set:

Note: After enabling the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set, you must restart the application server. On Archibus SaaS deployments, you must contact Customer Support and request a restart of the cloud environment.

Note: You should not enable or disable VAT and multi-currency midstream. If you do, you will need to update pre-existing records using the Smart Client to bring them into conformity with the current (enabled vs disabled) setting.

To enable or disable the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set:

  1. Select Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Enable-Disable VAT and Multicurrency.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To enable VAT and Multicurrency, from the Support VAT and Multicurrency list, select Yes.
    • To disable VAT and Multicurrency, from the Support VAT and Multicurrency list, select No.

    When you enable the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set and restart the application server, the following events occur:

    • The afm_activity_params.param_value for the AbCommonResources-EnableVATandMultiCurrency parameter is set to YES.
    • The system assigns a new security group to all roles that enables users to access the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set .