System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Define Exchange Rates

Apply Multicurrency Updates to Legacy Data

Use the Updates to Legacy Costs action to auto-populate VAT and multicurrency cost fields to existing cost transaction tables. This update adds to the legacy data the cost transaction data that is required for the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set to work.

This action updates any cost records in any of the three cost database tables (Costs, Recurring Costs, and Scheduled Costs) for which the Currency (Payment) and Currency (Budget) fields are NULL.

You run the Updates to Legacy Costs action from the System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Define Exchange Rates task. For information on this task, see Defining Exchange Rates.

As the action updates all existing cost record that do not yet include Budget and Payment Currencies, it could take a long time to run. You receive a warning message when you invoke the action, so that you can decide if you want to continue, or run the action at a more convenient time.

The following fields are added to the legacy data using the following values that can then be used for rollup and calculation purposes: