Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Compliance Program Manager
Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Contract Manager

Managing Non-Recurring Events

Note: You can generate events for both contract terms and compliance program requirements. The information in this topic applies to events for both contract terms and requirements.

From the Manage Non-Recurring Events task, you can add, edit, and schedule events that do not follow a predictable schedule See About Non-Recurring Events. The view includes only events that:

You do not update the Event Status from this task. Use the Update Status and Close Events task to do so.

The following table describes what you can accomplish from each of the tabs of the Manage Non-Recurring Events task:

Tab Description How To
Select Event
  • Use the Filter console to locate the events you want to work with. You can search by a variety of criteria, such as regulation, compliance program, location, or requirement, requirement status, priority, category, or type.
  • When managing existing events, the view is restricted to exclude events that have the Event Status of In Progress, Cancelled, Completed, Completed-Verified, or Closed. This enables you to work with events that are still active but that are not in progress.
  • All events in this view have the Do Not Reschedule? field set to Yes, as you are working only with one-time events. See About the Do Not Reschedule? Field.
  • Export the list of events showing in the Select Compliance Event to Manage pane to a document by clicking the Doc button, or to Excel by clicking XLS.
Using the Filter Console to Locate Events
Define Event

Add a non-recurring event

Update a single non-recurring event

Update multiple events with the same information. For example, you might need to enter the Date Scheduled Start for a group of events that occurred on the same day, or change the Responsible Person.

Adding a Non-Recurring

Updating a Single Non-Recurring Event

Updating Multiple Non-Recurring Events with the Same Information

Documents Associate a document with a missed or overdue event. Adding Documents for Compliance Records
Communication Logs Associate a communications log with a missed or overdue event. Adding Communications Logs for Compliance Records
Notifications Associate a notification template with a missed or overdue event. For example, add a notification that sends reminders more frequently now that the event is missed or overdue. Adding and Removing Notifications for Events

Procedure: Add a Non-Recurring Event

To add a new non-recurring event:

  1. Select the Compliance Program Manager / Manage Non-Recurring Event task.
  2. From the Select Compliance Event to Manage pane, click Add New.

    The Define Event tab becomes active.

  3. Enter the following required information:
    Event TitleEnter a unique name to identify this event.


    Compliance Program

    Requirement Code

    Select the requirement or contract term from the Requirement list. The regulation and program or contract associated with the selected requirement or contract term are automatically filled in. Events are always associated with a requirement or contract term
  4. Enter the following information as needed:

    Date Scheduled Start/Date Scheduled EndEnter the dates the event begins and ends. These dates are used, along with the Event Status, to trigger notifications for missed and overdue events.
    Date Completion RequiredEnter the date by which the event must be completed.
    Responsible PersonSelect the employee (such as the Compliance Program Coordinator) responsible for this event. When the Compliance Program Coordinator logs in to their tasks, they see only the requirements and events for which they are entered as the Responsible Person. When managing events, you can search by the Responsible Person to locate events assigned to that employee. You can also generate reports to show requirements or events for a selected Responsible Person.
    Regulatory ContactSelect your contact at the regulatory agency for this event's requirement.
    Vendor CodeSelect the vendor you use for this requirement.
    DescriptionEnter a description for this event.
    Create Notifications?

    Selecting Yes creates notifications for this event, if any are associated with the event's compliance program or requirement.

    Selecting No means no notifications are created for the event, even if the event's program or requirement have notification templates added for them.

    Hold/Cancel ReasonIf this event is place on hold, or is cancelled, enter the reason for doing so here.
    DiscussionEnter a note for the event. The note you enter is added to any existing note, separated by a blank line.

  5. Enter Location information as needed:
    In the Location Information section, select the geographical location, equipment code or standard, or employee for this event. When you save the record, the Location ID field fills in with the identifier for the selections you make.
  6. Click Save.

Procedure: Update a Single Non-Recurring Event

To update a single event:

  1. If needed, use the Filter console to locate the event to be updated.
  2. Click Select in the row for the event.

    The Define Event tab becomes active.

  3. Enter the following information as needed:
    Event TitleEnter a unique name that clearly identifies the event to users.
    Date Scheduled Start/Date Scheduled EndEnter the dates the event begins and ends. These dates are used, along with the Event Status, to trigger notifications for missed and overdue events.
    Date Completion RequiredEnter the date by which the event must be completed.
    Responsible PersonSelect the employee (such as the Compliance Program Coordinator) responsible for this event. When the Compliance Program Coordinator logs in to their tasks, they see only the requirements and events for which they are entered as the Responsible Person. When managing events, you can search by the Responsible Person to locate events assigned to that employee. You can also generate reports to show requirements or events for a selected Responsible Person.
    Regulatory ContactSelect your contact at the regulatory agency for this event's requirement.
    Vendor CodeSelect the vendor you use for this requirement.
    DescriptionEnter a description for this event.
    Create Notifications?

    Selecting Yes creates notifications for this event, if any are associated with the event's compliance program or requirement.

    Selecting No means no notifications are created for the event, even if the event's program or requirement have notification templates added for them.

    Hold/Cancel ReasonIf this event is place on hold, or is cancelled, enter the reason for doing so here.
    DiscussionEnter a note for the event. The note you enter is added to any existing note, separated by a blank line.
    Regulation /Compliance Program Code/
    Requirement Code
    Select the regulation, compliance program, and requirement for this event. If you select the requirement first, the program and regulation are filled in for you.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Save.
    • To save your entries and add a new event, click Save and Add New.
  5. To add a new event based on this event, after saving, click Copy and Add New.

    A form appears that copies all the information for this event except the Event Title.

Procedure: Update Multiple Non-Recurring Events

You can select multiple events and update them with the same information by entering the information only once. For example, if the Program Coordinator has been assigned to multiple non-recurring events, you can select these events and make the assignment to all of them by entering the name once.

To update non-recurring events with the same information:

  1. Select the Compliance Program Manager/Manage Non-Recurring Events task.
  2. Use the Filter console to locate the non-recurring events you want to update by entering restriction criteria and clicking Show.
  3. In the right pane, select the check boxes for the events you want to update with the same information, and click Update Selections.

    The Update Compliance Events form appears.

  4. Enter the following information as needed. The information you enter is applied to all the selected events.

    Date Scheduled Start/Date Scheduled EndSelect the dates the event is scheduled to begin and end.
    Date Completion RequiredSelect the date by which the event must be completed.
    Responsible PersonSelect the employee (such as the Compliance Program Coordinator) responsible for this event. When the Compliance Program Coordinator logs in to their tasks, they see only the requirements and events for which they are entered as the Responsible Person. When managing events, you can search by the Responsible Person to locate events assigned to that employee. You can also generate reports to show requirements or events for a selected Responsible Person.
    Regulatory Contact Select your contact at the regulatory agency for this event's requirement.
    Vendor CodeSelect the vendor you use for this requirement.
    DiscussionEnter a note for the event. The note you enter is added to any existing note, separated by a blank line.

  5. Click Save.

    The updates you entered are applied to the selected records.