Archibus SaaS / Maintenance
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance
Sustainability & Risk / Compliance

Extended Questionnaires: Tables

The extended questionnaire system (the underlying system for compliance surveys and maintenance checklists), uses these tables:

Questionnaires (questionnaire_ext)

This table contains the basic definition (id, title, and description) and is known as a questionnaire profile. Questionnaire profiles may have one or more assigned questions and may be administered any number of times to collect responses. The questionnaire profile record provides a key for querying a defined set of questions and/or their response values. This table also holds the time period during which the questionnaire was administered, which is useful for versioning. For information, see Define Questionnaire Profile.

Questionnaire Question Assignments (quest_question_ext)

This table provides for a many-to-many association between a questionnaire profile and the questions grouped within it.

Since questions are stored in their own table and can be reused on multiple questionnaires, this table stores the properties defining the assignment of a question to this particular questionnaire and includes such information as the questionnaire to which the question is assigned, the display position of the question on this questionnaire, whether the question is required on this questionnaire, and so on.

A single question might pertain to multiple different situations. For example, a question definition may be unchanged from one NFPA revision to the next, or a generic question might pertain equally well to requirements of multiple different regulations. Individual questions can be shared across multiple surveys because this table defines the properties of the assignment to a particular questionnaire.

Questions (question_ext)

This table contains question definitions. It also specifies relationships from one question to another when questions have conditional responses and cascading behavior. Questionnaire headers are also stored in this table.

Answer Options (quest_answer_option_ext)

This table stores the available options for multiple-choice questions and their translation strings.

Answers (quest_answer_ext)

This table records the results/answers of any questionnaire and enables applications to present responses directly for review as well as analyze, compute, summarize, and respond programmatically to results from one or multiple questionnaire events.

Action Types (activitytype)

The Action Types table serves many applications by providing flexible classification of action items (records in the activity_log table) together with optional descriptions, instructions, cost category, and some other details. The Workflow Rule to Invoke field allows questionnaire designers to specify a WFR that the application should invoke in response to answers.

Action Items (activity_log)

This table holds the event for the compliance survey or maintenance checklist. As you work through the item, the status, date, and other key information is stored here. Checklists have an Action Type of EVENT-MAINTENANCE and surveys have an Action Type of EVENT - COMPLIANCE.