Assets / Enterprise Assets / Project Proposal Console

Reviewing Proposed Moves and Generating a Group Move Order

If your project is linked to a Portfolio Scenario, then you can review proposed moves from the Proposed Moves tab. This is a detailed report that shows you, as the planner, the proposed moves that each portfolio scenario assumes after the stacking exercise completes. This information can be very useful in setting the next stage, which would involve move execution for any approved scenario.

Key questions this report helps space planners answer are:

Generating a Group Move Order

If you have decided to implement this portfolio scenario, you can also create a move order.

Use the Create Move Order action to create the move order. Once you process the move order form, the system routes the request to the Moves application, which will now handle it.

For detailed instruction to generate the group move order, see Proposed Moves Report and Generating a Group Move Order.