Assets / Enterprise Assets / Project Proposal Console / Project Dashboard

Example Work Packages to Organize a Swing Move

A perennial issue for move planners is tracking and visualizing phased moves into and out of swing space. An option is to track moves as different work packages within the same project, as illustrated below:

Work Package


Purchase and Install MRI

  • Build out MRI Room
  • Upgrade Electrical for MRI
  • Get Architect Sign off on Magnetic Requirements (non-ferrous fire extinguisher, warning signs, etc.)
  • Calibrate MRI
  • Create staff training program for MRI
  • Alert the Safety Department that a machine with Liquefied Cryogenic Gas will be operating 24x7

Move Materials Research Department to Chemical Building

  • Build out room for TEAM 0.5 SEM
  • Upgrade electrical panel for SEM
  • Move Materials Research From Media Bldg Floor 05
  • Move Materials Research From Media Bldg Floor 06
  • Move Materials Research to Chemical Bldg Floor 02

Move Materials Research Department to Renovated Materials Building

  • Move SEM back to refurbished lab
  • Move Materials Research From Chemical Bldg Floor 02
  • Move Materials Research To Materials Bldg Floor 01