Archibus Smart Client Extension for Revit

Disabling and Enabling Archibus Dynamic Updates

The Archibus dynamic update feature synchronizes your data whenever you make a change, such as changing the size of a room. In this way, the data in the model and in the database stays in synch.

However, when you are making bulk changes to a model, you may wish to turn the dynamic update feature off to speed these manipulations. You may also wish to make putative changes that you can undo or abandon. If you disable the dynamic updates, you can make these changes without affecting the Archibus database.

To enable and disable dynamic updates:

  1. Disable the Updates.
    Invoke the Archibus Disable Dynamic Updates command.

    When you want to turn the updates back on:

  2. Enable Updates.
    Invoke the Archibus Enable Dynamic Updates command.
  3. Catalog.
    Invoke the Catalog Model command. This will synch all elements in the model with the database to reconnect the elements with the Archibus database records.
  4. Edit Data.
    If any elements appear with a red highlight beneath them, use the Edit Data command to resolve the data error. Typically this will be a duplicate ID – such as a Duplicate Room number – or a bad validating value – such as a Division or Department Code that does not exist.