Archibus Smart Client

Setting Sign-In Preferences

Sign-in preferences are per-user preferences that apply only to the current user. Some user preferences are set by running the Set Up / Preferences command from the Ribbon toolbar. Others are set from the Sign In form.

See Also

Signing In to a Project.

Preference Description Notes

Select the language and locale that you are working in. This selection is independent of the per-user locale setting in Web Central.

Select a different locale when you want the Smart Client locale to be different from the locale of the Navigator and the applications.

For example, if you are working in one language, but need to produce management reports in a different language, to prepare the report, you would switch the locale to the reporting language.

If you change this value, after saving the Preferences form, you must restart the Smart Client for the change to take effect.

Note: The date (and time) format of the grid is based on the client machine's Region and Language formats. The format is not going to be different for different users logged into the same client machine. For example, if the client machine's Control Panel -> Region and Language -> Format is set to English (United States), and the logged-in user has a locale of English (Australia) the grid will not use an Australian format because the SYSTEM locale and format is set to English (United States). However, if the system is set to English (Australia) and the format is set to dd/MM/yyyy, the grid will use the system format of dd/MM/yyyy, rather than the previous default en_US format.

Defaults to the current locale for your workstation operating system.

Set this preference by running the Set Up/Preferences command and making the change on the Edit Preferences dialog.

The locale setting is stored in C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Archibus\SmartClient\xx\user.config file, which is known only to Smart Client and not Web Central.

User Name/Password

Default user name for the Sign In dialog.

The Web Central password for the above User Name.

If the default project, the user name, and the password are present, the Smart Client uses them to automatically log into the project.

The User name and Password are shown only on the Sign In dialog accessed by running the Sign In command from the Ribbon Toolbar. They are not shown on the Edit Preferences dialog,

To set these preferences, run the Sign In command from the Ribbon Toolbar, enter your User Name in the Sign In dialog, and select Remember my credentials on this computer.

Local File Server Location

The "Archibus" folder location on this workstation server. This value enables the Smart Client to find drawing files and publish enterprise graphics files to the file server.

This value is overridden by the per-site Remote File Server Location, if that value is present (as it represents the correct settings of the server that you have logged in to).

Typical value:


Server Location History

List of URLs that the user has successfully used in the Server list on the Sign In dialog.

This history enables users who switch between local, prototype, remote site, and enterprise servers from having to continually re-type the addresses.

Shown only in the drop-down list on the Sign In dialog (not shown in the Edit Preferences dialog).
Default Project The entry in the Projects list to show as the default on the Sign In dialog.

Example: HQ-Sybase-Runtime

Shown only in the drop-down list on the Sign In dialog (not shown in the Edit Preferences dialog).