Archibus Smart Client

Overwrite a Default Grid View

When working from the Views tab, when you select a table, the application loads a set of fields into the grid. The fields that are shown are determined by the default grid view for that table. Archibus ships a set of default views in \schema\ab-products\common\views\default.

The following describes how the application determines which fields are shown.

  1. When you select a table name from the Views tab, the Smart Client uses the Table Name (for example, "bl" for the Buildings table) to load a view from the server that has a file name that uses the form ab- [tableName]-gd-dflt.axvw (for example, ab-bl-gd-dflt.axvw for the Buildings table.)
  2. If a view with that name cannot be loaded from the server, a view is created on the client using the primary keys, foreign keys, and Description fields.
  3. The loaded or created view is rendered in the grid.

You can customize these default views so that the view shows the fields you prefer, making it easier to load the most common field list and sort order for a particular table. You can also add additional default views. For example, you might want to add additional views to add default fields for tables you have added to the database, or to create a default view that has the fields you want for an existing table.

To overwrite a default grid view

  1. From the Explorer panel, select the Views tab.
  2. Select the table for which you want to create a default view by double-clicking the table in the list. If needed, use the filter row to restrict the list. See Searching for Records Using the Filter Row.
  3. Add, remove, and reorder fields as you would like them to appear by default using the View/Fields command from the Ribbon. See Selecting the Fields to Display.
  4. From the Ribbon, select the View/Save command

    The Save View Definition dialog appears.

  5. In the File Name field, enter the name for the default view using the following format:

    ab- [tableName]-gd-dflt.axvw

    Note: You should not save a view using this naming format unless you want that view to become the default view for the table named within the file name. Any AXVW that the server can find with the format ab-[tableName]-gd-dflt.axvw will be used to determine the columns when adding the table[tableName] to the grid from the Views tab.

    Note: The view does not have to reside in \schema\ab-products\common\views\default to be used as the default view.

  6. Ensure that the 'Overwrite Original' check box is selected.
  7. In the Save View Definition dialog, click Save.