Re-Create Structures (Schema Change Wizard)
If you have chosen to immediately update the SQL tables, the system moves you to the Re-Create Structures tab once it has finished updating SQL tables.
To complete the re-create process, you must select Start Update on the Re-Create Structure tab.
This action finds all .sql files beneath \archibus\schema\ab-products\**\common\schemawiz-*.sql
, for example:
- \archibus\schema\ab-products\space\common\projupwiz-space management and planning sql views.sql
- \archibus\schema\ab-products\bldgops\common\schemawiz-work wizard sql views.sql
- \archibus\schema\ab-products\bldgops\common\schemawiz-service desk sql views-sybase-mssql.sql
- \archibus\schema\ab-products\bldgops\common\schemawiz-service desk sql views-oracle.sql
If the SQL file includes “sybase”, “mssql”, or “oracle”, the action only executes the sql file if the target database is of that type.
If the SQL statements have dependencies – for instance, if a stored procedure depends on a trigger – include both statements in the same SQL file, as the action is not guaranteed to execute the SQL files in any particular order.
If partial job status is defined at the begining of the sql file (eg: --partialJobStatus=Work Wizard SQL Views) then the value is displayed when that particular file is executed. If no value is found then the file name is displayed.
Note: The \afmXX\schema\BuildingOps\Schema\helpdesk_views*.sql in Windows Client/Server files are examples of this kind of SQL file to be executed.
When finished running the Schema Change Wizard, you must restart the application server. For performance reasons, Archibus caches views and datasources in memory. When you change the underlying schema, you must restart the application so that Archibus can recache these views and datasources.