Display highlighted drawings in a paginated report

Technologies > Business Process Owner Views > Paginated Reports > Report with Drawing and a Thematic Highlight  

Technologies > Business Process Owner Views > Paginated Reports > Report with Drawing and a Restriction Highlight  

Thematic Highlights

To display drawings in a paginated report, include a panel of type drawing with assigned highlight and labels data sources:

<panel type="drawing" id="panel_abExRmxdpDwgRpt_cad" highlightDataSource="ds_abExRmxdpDwgRpt_highlightData"

File: schema/ab-products/solutions/parts/pagereports/ab-ex-rmxdp-dwg-rpt.axvw

This example highlights rooms by department and uses the color/hatch palette from the Hpattern Acad field of the Departments table. The legend panel has type legend, role legend, and format table:

<!-- Legend data source -->
<dataSource id="ds_abExRmxdpDwgRpt_legend" type="grouping">
    <table name="rm" role="main" />
    <table name="dp" role="standard" />
    <field table="dp" name="dv_id" groupBy="true" />
    <field table="dp" name="dp_id" groupBy="true" />
    <field table="dp" name="hpattern_acad" groupBy="true" />
    <restriction type="sql" sql="dp.dp_id IS NOT NULL"/>

<!-- Legend panel definition -->
<panel type="legend" role="legend" format="table" id="panel_abExRmxdpDwgRpt_legend" dataSource="ds_abExRmxdpDwgRpt_legend">
    <title translatable="true">Legend</title>
    <field table="dp" name="dv_id" />
    <field table="dp" name="dp_id" />
    <field table="dp" name="hpattern_acad" />

The Hpattern Acad field used in the legend is listed in the standard table of the drawing highlight data source:

<!-- Drawing panel highlight data source -->
<dataSource id="ds_abExRmxdpDwgRpt_highlightData">
    <table name="rm" role="main" />
    <table name="dp" role="standard" />
    <field table="rm" name="rm_id" />
    <field table="dp" name="dp_id" />
    <field table="dp" name="hpattern_acad" />

Restriction Highlights

In this second example, rooms with room standard CONFERENCE have been highlighted. Include the restriction in the highlight data source:

<dataSource id="ds_abExRmConfDwgRpt_highlightData">
    <table name="rm" role="main" />
    <restriction type="parsed">
        <clause relop="AND" op="=" table="rm" name="rm_std" value="CONFERENCE" />

File: schema/ab-products/solutions/parts/pagereports/ab-ex-rm-conf-dwg-rpt.axvw

The associated drawing panel specifies that the highlightType be of type restriction:

<panel type="drawing" id="panel_abExRmConfDwgRpt_cad" highlightDataSource="ds_abExRmConfDwgRpt_highlightData"
labelsDataSource="ds_abExRmConfDwgRpt_labelNames" highlightType="restriction">

Hatch Patterns

Provided hatch patterns give easily distinguished hatch areas. AutoCAD patterns have not been set by default.

Note: Archibus ships with a set of standard hatch patterns, which are defined in the \WEB-INF\config\context\controls\drawing/hpattern.properties file. If you find that you want to customize this set of hath patterns or create your own, you can edit this file. Before using edited hatch patterns in drawings or paginated reports, you must restart the web server to clear out the client-side cache.

Sort Order

The Sort Order defaults to the sort order of the Drawing Highlight data query. If you do automatically assign colors, be sure that the sort order on the Drawing Highlight data source is the same as the sort order on the Drawing Legend data source so the drawing and the legend will auto-select colors in the same order.

Load report with Thematic Highlights: http://localhost:8080/archibus/pagereports/ab-ex-rmxdp-dwg-rpt.axvw

Load report with Restriction Highlight: http://localhost:8080/archibus/pagereports/ab-ex-rm-conf-dwg-rpt.axvw