VPA Groups: Overview

The Virtual Private Archibus feature enables Archibus deployments to segment their data between users and roles.

The Groups extension to VPA (VPA Groups) provides enhanced features to address several powerful trends in the industry, particularly outsourcing and collaboration between organizations. Customer organizations, such as corporations and institutions, outsource more and more of the work of managing and maintaining real estate, infrastructure and facilities so that they can concentrate on their own business. All organizations – customers and their service providers alike – use Archibus as a common operating environment and a unified enterprise information model to share data about the facility and transmit information about task to be performed and work processes. Yet each organization wants to share data selectively. Two "service provider" patterns are:

To manage these and other deployment patterns, the VPA Groups feature provides data partitioning. The feature includes the following elements.

The advantages of the VPA Groups feature is that restrictions are:

VPA Groups and VPA building and site lists

The VPA Groups features require that the Archibus administrator turns on the AbSystemAdministration-UseVpaGroups application preference.

Therefore, if you have Building Code Lists, Site Code Lists, or existing VPA Restrictions in roles, the system ignores these if you implement VPA groups.

Key VPA tables and their relationships

The VPA Restrictions table (vpa_rest) describe how the program assembles restrictions to apply to the current user and role.

Most of these restrictions use mapping tables to map the current user and role to groups of records. The mapping tables list these groups of records and identify each group with a VPA Group name.

These are the key tables used by the VPA Groups feature. You can review and edit these tables by loading them with the Views tab of the Archibus Smart Client.

View Main Table
VPA Groups to Roles Mapping Table vpa_groups
VPA Groups to Roles Mapping Table vpa_groupstoroles
VPA Groups to Users Mapping Table vpa_groupstousers
VPA Groups to Buildings Mapping Table vpa_bl
VPA Groups to Sites Mapping Table vpa_site
Legal IDs legal
VPA Groups to legal IDs vpa_legal
VPA Restrictions vpa_rest

See also

Establishing VPA groups

Assigning VPA groups using mapping tables


Use Cases