Archibus Asset Types Table

Use the Archibus Asset Types table to establish asset connection parameters on a per-schema basis by completing the following fields.

You can access this table from the Smart Client at:System / Add-In Manager / Edit Asset Types



Asset Table


Provides the name of the asset table to which you want to connect the information for this asset type.

Default View - Client/Server

For Client/Server, specifies a default view for CAD editing, which the program loads to edit assets of this type if the currently loaded view is not appropriate.

Note: The Windows Client/Server product has been discontinued. Beginning with V.25.1, Windows Client/Server compatibility is not supported, although the features supporting Client/Server compatibility remain in Web Central and Smart Client.

Default View - Smart Client For Smart Client, specifies a default view for CAD editing, which the program loads to edit assets of this type. This view determines the fields that are available in the Edit Data dialog when editing data for assets of this asset type.

Entity Type

Defines the default type of entity used in asset inserting, such as Pline or Block. For example, room assets require a polyline entity type and equipment assets require a block entity type.

Standards Table

Specifies the standards table for the selected asset type.

Rule Code


Specifies the Rule Code (from the Drawing Publishing Rules table) for the selected Asset Type. By entering a valid Rule Code in this field, the Asset Type will use the Publishing Rule’s Query Text values rather than the Asset Text values specified in the Asset Types table. This allows you to use a query text template (with rich text) to display Asset information.

Default Block


Provides the name of the default block to use if the selected asset type has no standards table.

Scaled Insertion?


Specifies whether the default block is a scaled designator like an electrical outlet symbol which must appear as scaled. If so, the program will scale up the symbol by the drawing's scale factor.

Populate Location


Specifies the table containing the location to which items of the selected asset type should be placed when populating. If you do not want items to be populated, leave this field blank. Completing this field means that insertions can be driven from both the table and the drawing.

Populate to Layer


Defines on which layer the program should place populated assets. If this field is blank, the program uses the current layer.

Regenerate Population?


Determines how population positions asset symbols. If No, population leaves any assets already placed in position and then places new asset symbols within an area asset symbol starting from the upper left corner of the area asset and indenting the asset symbols beneath one another. If Yes, population erases any existing assets of that type within the boundary and then vertically aligns all asset symbols within an area asset boundary. For Furniture moved into place by the user, this setting is typically No; for items which are listed in a column, this setting is Yes.

Record Source


Determines whether the program presumes that assets of this type are table-driven or drawing-driven. This is important for controlling how the system deletes assets. To specify that an asset is table-driven, select the "Database Driven" option.

Asset Text Generation Style


Controls how the program initially generates asset text. You can choose from the following options:

  • Boundary -- As a default, tells the program to consider the geometry of the polyline or block as an outline boundary and tries to place the asset text at the center of the boundary. The text will be center justified. If the asset text does not fit in the boundary, the program will place the asset text beside the boundary. The text will be right or left justified.
    Use this option for area boundaries or blocks.
  • Segment -- Instructs the program to always consider the item as a linear item in which the asset text will not fit. The program always places asset text above items (if they are predominantly horizontal) or to the right (if they are predominantly vertical). The text is left or right justified. Use this option for items like cables.
  • Absolute -- Tells the program to place text exactly at the insertion point. The text will be center justified. Use this option for items like designators for which you do not want the program to relocate the text.
  • Center Boundary -- Places the asset text in the center of an area asset symbol, such as a Room or Group. This is distinct from the standard Boundary style, which will first try to place the text inside the asset, and if it does not fit, it will place the asset text on top of the asset, aligned with the longest side of the asset. Center Boundary is preferable if you always want the text inside the asset, even if the text may overlap the edges, as is often the case with rooms. Boundary is preferable when you want the text not to interfere with the asset, which is often the case with furniture, such as files and workstation panels.


Asset Text Height


Defines the default height for this asset type's asset text. This setting is used for the default height for new assets is in inches. For metric projects the value will be converted to the equivalent number of cm's (i.e. a value of 2 will show up as 5.08 units in a drawing with cm as the Base Metric Units).

There are two fields in the schema for atxt_ht_in and atxt_ht_cm.:

  • Atext Height (cm)
  • Asset Text Height (inches)

These are not visible in the Archibus Asset Types view and are not used.

Absolute Text Justification

Defines asset text justification by specifying where to place the insertion point. You have the following three options:

  • Left -- Places the lower left corner of the asset text box at the insertion point. Select this option if you want the asset text to appear to the right of the asset symbol.
  • Right -- Places the lower right corner of the asset text box at the insertion point. Select this option to display the asset text to the left of the asset symbol.
  • Center -- Places the center of the asset text box at the insertion point.
Atext Boxed? Specifies whether to draw an asset text box around the asset text. This feature currently is not implemented. All asset text is displayed without a box.
Asset Text Style This parameter is not used. The program uses the current asset text style of the drawing as the text style for drawing new asset text.

Note: The Overlay uses the Block Library Base Metric Units and the Block Library Units Schema Preferences to scale a common library to either metric or imperial drawings. In contrast, the Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD does not use these values. Instead, it assumes that the blocks are in the same units as the current drawing. If your site has different blocks for Metric and Imperial, you can use different Standards records to hold those blocks, and in this way, the inserted blocks can be more accurately defined in terms of multiples of inches or centimeters.