Translatable Tables in the Project Database
A number of tables in the project database hold additional fields that contain translatable strings, such as visible titles, summary descriptions, and visible enumeration values. For instance, the Archibus Tables table holds the English title for each table in the title field. It holds the translated titles in the fields named, for example, title_fr, title_es, title_de.
The program looks to the <translatableFields/> list in the Preferences (XML) field of the Schema Preferences table (afm_scmpref.preferences ). If you enter a field in this list, whenever the program sees a field name in the list (for example, title) it will append the language suffix appropriate to the current user’s locale (for example, _fr for French, and _es for Spanish) and use the value in that field instead. If no value is present, the program will use the English value.
As such, most database field translations are table-driven. Simply entering the translated string in the appropriate column translates the software.
The following sections provide information on translatable fields found in:
Data Dictionary (Schema)Tables
The following shows the translatable fields for the data dictionary tables.
Table | Title | Translatable Fields |
afm_tbls | Archibus Tables | title_xx |
afm_flds_lang | Archibus Field Translations | ml_heading_xx, enum_list_xx |
Note: The afm_flds_lang table is separate from the afm_flds table to avoid record length limitations present on some database servers. The Localization application creates an afm_flds_lang record for every record in the afm_flds table. Otherwise, the translatable fields in this table work in a fashion similar to those in other tables.
Navigator Tables
The following table shows the translatable fields for the Navigator tables.
Table | Title | Translatable Fields |
afm_products | Domains | summary_xx, title_xx |
afm_activities | Applications | summary_xx, title_xx |
afm_processes | Processes | summary_xx, title_xx |
afm_ptasks | Process Tasks | task_xx |
Note: While afm_activity_cats has translatable fields present, none need to be translated. The afm_psubtasks table is not in use. There are other navigation tables with translatable fields, such as afm_hotlist, afm_mods, afm_class, afm_acts, etc. However, these support the Windows Client/Server product (discontinued beginning with V25.1), and the Localization application does not update these tables.
Other Schema Tables
The following table shows the translatable fields for other schema tables.
Table | Title | Translatable Field |
afm_layr | Archibus Layers | title_xx |
messages | Messages | message_text_xx |
afm_holiday_dates | Archibus Holiday Dates | description_xx |
Application Tables
The following table shows a list of typical translatable fields for the application tables. The below table is not an exhaustive list.
Table | Title | Translatable Fields |
programtype | Program Types | program_type_xx, description_xx |
projecttype | Project Types | project_type_xx, description_xx |
projphase | Project Phases | proj_phase_xx |
questionnaire | Questionnaires | title_xx |
questions | Questions | enum_list_xx, quest_text_xx |
resource_std | Resource Standards | resource_name_xx |
afm_wf_steps | Archibus Workflow Steps | step_xx |
helpdesk_sla_response | Service Desk Service Level Agreement Response Parameters | priority_label_xx |