About the Data Transfer Status Field

The Edit task views include the Data Transfer Status field that helps you track the strings that have been read in. When importing data, the program first sets the Data Transfer Status field to "No Change", and then sets the status of each record to Inserted or Updated as it reads in the strings. You can then sort on or filter by this Data Transfer Status field to determine which strings have been read in.

If you read in all the strings from all files, and the status is still "No Change", then that string is no longer in use.

The Data Transfer Status field is found in the following localization tables:

Note: If you generate Comparison reports without importing data (Compare action from the Data Transfer Wizard), the Data Transfer Status field is not updated, as this field is only updated when an import is processed.

The following describes the possible values for the Data Transfer Status values:

Value Description
Inserted The last transfer in added this record. That is, the record was in the import file, but not in the database, and so the record was inserted into the database.
Updated The last transfer in changed the record. That is, the record was in the import file and in the database, but there were different field values in the import file than in the database. For this reason, the record was updated in the database.
No Change The last transfer did not affect any of this record's values. That is, the record was in both the import file and the database, but none of the fields of data included in the import file differed from those same fields in the database.

The last transfer found this record in the database, but not in the import file. If you are importing a subset of all records (such as, all employees for your department) your import will be missing employees from other departments, although the database has those records. In this case missing records are expected. If missing records represent records that are no longer relevant, you can manually delete them from the database. That is, if the import file represents the complete list of records for this table, the missing records should be deleted.

There is no option to delete missing records from the Data Transfer Wizard. However, you can review any files that were missing in the import file by restricting to records that have the Data Transfer Status value of Missing. You can search for this from any of the Edit views on the Navigator.

Pending The user canceled the last transfer before the action considered this record.
Error This record was in the import file, but there was an error, such as a validation error, when updating the database.