Deployment and Licensing Levels
The licensing and deployment policies enable you to obtain the new features and share them within your organization.
All customers need a new license with each major release (2022, 2023, 2024, and so on) each calendar year.
Application Connection Points (ACPs)
Within Web Central, you purchase access to Archibus on an application-by -application basis, and deploy using a concurrent user connection to the applications. These connections give access to the applications interface, including the Smart Client, Smart Client Extensions for AutoCAD and Revit, and the “Run Anywhere” application suite.
License Levels
The License Level feature of the Archibus licensing program enables you to identify and organize features that are appropriate for different users within your organization chart. For instance, you can filter views appropriate for self-service users requesting facility services, for craftspersons and managers moving workflows forward, for managers performing analyses, or for process owners and RE/IM/FM department staff that have responsibility for the business results delivered by an entire application .
The levels are:
License Level | Used by | Functions Provided via Forms and Reports | Example Features |
Level 1 – Archibus Self-Service | Enterprise-wide employees |
Portal forms for items such as:
Forms for making Service Desk request and tracking its status. |
Level 2 – Archibus Work Process |
Department managers approving work Supervisors assigning work Craftspersons, contractors, or service providers performing work Administrators entering data |
Approvals Department chargebacks Move and group move requests Data entry |
Forms for approving Service Desk requests. Data entry form for an admin to enter Account Codes. |
Level 3 – Archibus Analysis |
Department managers analyzing their resource usage. Line managers analyzing the infrastructure costs. RE and FM managers tuning the portfolio for the business functions and missions |
Dashboard views Analyses What-if scenarios |
Reports for analyzing how many requests your department made. |
Level 4 – Archibus Process Owner |
CRE, FM, or IM staff that anchor business processes Business process owners |
Background data processes User and role management All application functions High-volume data load |
Forms controlling how the application appears to Level 1, 2, 3 users Forms and reports users see Pick lists of options Business rules |
CAD/BIM User |
CAD or BIM Specialists Allows access to the extensions for autocad and revit. This is a default role granting just those rights that CAD/BIM users need. |
Views intended to be used by the Smart Client Extensions for AutoCAD and Revit | Creating jack, room, equipment asset symbols in CAD connected to the Archibus database. |
Mobile Licensing
The Archibus licensing presumes a certain minimum session length to make the Archibus mobile apps work under the same concurrent licensing as the Web Central applications. When deciding on number of concurrent licenses presume that:
- Workplace Services Portal mobile app sessions are a minimum of 10 minutes long (i.e. any access or sync will lock a license for 10 minutes).
- Sessions for the other mobile apps (Incident Reporting, Space Book, Space & Occupancy Survey, and so on) are one hour long (that is, any access or sync will lock a license for one hour).
If you have teams that all will sync at the same time in the morning or evening, you will want to size your count of licenses accordingly. The program will check the license availability only during a sync, mobile users will derive the value of their apps constantly during the entire day.
Alternative Licensing Scenarios
While not generally available at this time, in the future, alternative licensing options such as by user-type levels, domains, or named user may be offered in various territories, language editions, or strategic accounts, on a case by case basis.
- Licensed Deployment Levels. This option formally links the existing Deployment Levels to how sites are actually licensed and charged for the software. In this scenario, license levels divide the core features by the depth of access that users of each type need, as per the chart above. This makes it easier for RE/IM/FM departments to collaborate with adjacent users, such as department managers, functional peer groups (that is, Accounting, Finance, others), and contractors.
Under the standard Application Connection Point (ACP) licensing, all users log in with equivalent access granted by the “Level 4 – Process Owner” level of access. However, a system administrator typically still limits access to features for particular users using the process assignments dialogs so that only the features appropriate to each user appear on their Navigators. - Domain Licensing. This option lets sites easily bundle all applications within a domain or all domains together. This makes it easier for RE/IM/FM departments to deploy new functional applications. Sites can leverage their existing data, for instance, information used in the Space Inventory application, for new applications, such as Moves, without having to stop to procure new licenses.
- Named Users. This scenario lets sites license ACPs by named user, meaning that the license can be used only by one particular Archibus User account.