Leaflet Map Control
Use Thematic (Unique Value) Markers in a Map
Technologies > User Interface Add-Ins > Geographic Information System (GIS) Views > Thematic (Unique Value) Markers (Leaflet)
This example displays thematic markers by building use. Markers are colored according to building use where each building use is represented a unique color. A marker legend defining the marker classes appears on the map.
To use thematic markers, add the required thematic marker options to markerProperties
. By specifying an empty array for uniqueValues
, the map control will automatically determine and include all the distinct building use values. Alternatively, you may specify the values to include. This approach uses the thematic-unique-values
var markerProperties = {
radius: 7,
fillColor: '#e41a1c',
fillOpacity: 0.90,
stroke: true,
strokeColor: '#fff',
strokeWeight: 1.0,
// required for thematic markers
renderer: 'thematic-unique-values',
thematicField: 'bl.use1',
uniqueValues: [],
colorBrewerClass: 'Set1'
To display the markers, create the restriction and show the markers:
<action id="showLegend" imageName="/schema/ab-core/graphics/icons/view/ab-arcgis-legend-16.png">
To include a marker legend, include a showLegend panel action in AXVW:
<action id="showLegend" imageName="/schema/ab-core/graphics/icons/view/ab-arcgis-legend-16.png">
To show the legend, add an event handler in the JS:
var legendObj = Ext.get('showLegend');
legendObj.on('click', this.showLegend, this, null);
showLegend: function(){
View: http://localhost:8080/archibus/ab-leaflet-map-thematic-unique-value-renderer.axvw