docassigned Table (Document Library)

This table stores the actual Document Library. It is an existing table that was previously used for assigning an unlimited number of documents to leases, properties, and buildings. Archibus has expanded the table with several new fields so that it can serve as a more general document library.

Field Description
doc This is a standard Web Central Document Management field that allows the user to upload and store a document.
doc_name Required. The Document Name, used to store a short name or title for the document. Note that this is a required field in the table.
doc_description Required. This is a longer description of the document. Note that this is also a required field in the table.
doc_folder Foreign Key to the docfolder table. This is how a document is “placed” into a folder within the hierarchical virtual folder structure represented by docfolder.
doc_cat Foreign Key to doccat table. This field allows you to assign a Document Category to the document.
doc_type Foreign Key to doctype table. This field, along with doc_cat above, allows you to assign a Document Type to the document.
site_id Foreign key to site table. This field allows you to associate a Site with a document, in addition to the existing ability to associate a Building with a document.
activity_log_id Foreign Key to activity_log table. This field allows you to associate an unlimited number of documents with an action item, service desk request, condition or environmental assessment item, commissioning item, clean building item, and any other of the many different types of records stored in the activity_log table.
doc_review_grp Foreign Key to afm_groups table. This field is used to associate a Security Group with a document, such that only members of that security group can view the document in reports. The actual security has to be enforced by each application’s custom Document Library views. The Document Library module does not contain any built-in security enforcement mechanism at this time. For an example implementation, refer to the code for the following Environmental & Risk Management/Compliance Management/Operational Reports/Document Library:
  • archibus/schema/ab-products/risk/compliance/reports-oper/ab-comp-rpt-library.axvw
  • archibus/schema/ab-products/risk/compliance/reports-oper/ab-comp-rpt-library.js

Use the security-related sections in the above code as a template or starting point. It is crucial that all Document Library view developers enforce the doc_review_grp security, so that any access to another activity’s documents is secure as intended by the other activity.

date_doc Stores a date that is significant for the document. It may be the date it was published, the date it was uploaded, the date it was revised, etc.
doc_author Stores the name of the document’s author or publishing body
doc_note This is a large memo field intended to store notes, tags, keywords, and/or an abstract of the document. That makes it easier to search and locate documents.

The remaining fields in the table are primary keys to different activity-specific tables (Compliance, EH&S, Lease, etc.) in order to also associate documents with specific records in those activity’s tables. If you need to expand the Document Library module to associate documents with other tables that are not already included in docassigned, you must add foreign keys to those tables in the docassigned table.