Configuring Document Management for Drawings

An Archibus Administrator may need to review the following material to configure Archibus Document Management for Drawings:

Configuring the Folder where Drawings and Enterprise Graphics Are Stored

If Document Management for Drawings is enabled, then the system stores drawings and enterprise graphics in a central location (the Web Central Drawing Files folder), which is specified in the webapps\archibus\WEB-INF\config\ file.

To set this folder, edit these settings in the file.

All drawings for all projects are stored in the same folder.

If Document Management for Drawings is enabled, the System Administrator can stop the sharing of the Smart Client Drawing Files folder (such as, \aiprojects\hq\drawings) since the team will not use this folder; instead, they use the Web Central Drawing Files folder.

Using Virtual-Private Archibus Settings on the Drawing List

CAD Managers often divide responsibility for certain drawings in the drawing set by building or site, with each building or site being managed by a different CAD specialist or drafting team. In this scenario, the Archibus Administrator will establish a Virtual-Private Archibus restriction on the Drawing List (afm_dwgs) table. Each CAD specialist or team sees only the files that they are responsible for in the Drawing List.

To establish such restriction:

The HQ sample project has a sample role, Z-VPA-DWGS, that restricts to drawings for building HQ, such as HQ17.DWG, HQ18.DWG, and so on. This example is below. Use this format when you have a separate role for each building:

sql="#ASQL_VPAField() LIKE 'HQ%'">
<title translatable="true">Fields-Named Restriction on dwg_ name</title>
<field name="dwg_name"/>

Note: The above is a custom VPA that is on the dwg_name field and does not affect the Buildings table. Therefore, if you used started a new drawing and chose the Select Values feature, you would receive all buildings and floors. This can be easily fixed by adding a HQ restriction in "VPA Building Code List".

Alternately, you can use a single role for CAD Specialists. To do so, enter the building names for which each specialist has access in each of the VPA Options fields of the Archibus Users (afm_users) record:

sql="#ASQL_VPAField() LIKE #ASQL_ GetAfmUserCachedValue('vpa_option1') OR
#ASQL_VPAField() LIKE #ASQL_GetAfmUserCachedValue('vpa_option2') OR
#ASQL_VPAField() LIKE (#ASQL_GetAfmUserCachedValue('vpa_option3'))">
<title translatable="true">Fields-Named Restriction on dwg_name</title>
<field name="dwg_name"/>

If the deployment does not have a naming convention for drawing files, use the Building Code in the Space Hierarchy fields. The Building and Floor Code are separated by a semi-colon in this field. In Oracle, the VPA restriction would be:

<title translatable="true">Fields-Named Restriction on dwg_name</title>
<field name="dwg_name"/>

See Also

In Archibus User Help, Web Central User's Guide / CAD and BIM Manager / Overview /Archibus Administrator / Advanced Application Security / VPA Security